Archive for January, 2015

Shoe Care Part 2: Suede

Shoe Care Part 2: Suede

| January 30, 2015 | 0 Comments

If you have spent time reading through articles on, it should be no surprise that we advocate for buying high quality items, made by those with a passion for what they do. In short: buy better quality items, and support the artisans that truly care about what they make. Acquiring items of quality is […]

Shoe Care: Care for What you Own

Shoe Care: Care for What you Own

| January 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

If you have spent time reading through articles on, it should be no surprise that we advocate for buying high quality items, made by those with a passion for what they do. In short: buy better quality items, and support the artisans that truly care about what they make. Acquiring items of quality is only half […]
